Public Art


As a Pagan Artist I am passionate about sharing my connection with the natural world with a wider audience and promoting our beautiful countryside. I was approached by the headteacher at my youngest son's school to help create something special for the outdoor learning area for the youngest children. We decided on a theme of the Derbyshire countryside throughout the seasons and the children drew me pictures of what they wanted included in their mural. It certainly became a labour of love but worth the efforts.
Currently I am only taking on smaller commissions but if you have an idea relating to wall art indoors or outside for your school or venue then please contact me on the contact form or via email at to discuss. Thanks.
The overall size of the mural was 7.5m x 1,5m which is to date the largest piece of art that I have ever created. I had put aside 2 weeks to complete the project in the Summer Holidays but the weather had other ideas and all together, it took four weeks to complete using specialist masonry and outdoor acrylic paints.
Thankfully the children loved the new addition to their playground which included a variety of insects, birds, flowers, a hare, some sheep, a stag, a squirrel, a group of silver birch trees, an oak tree, a tractor, a dry stone wall and even a snowman.
Here are some images of the finished piece followed by a few photos taken during the project with my little helper. Enjoy.

Winter to Spring

Spring to Summer

Summer to Autumn


Rainy days and Sunshine. The joys of creating public art outside.

My apprentice

A swooping swallow

Rain covers on

Part way through

It had to be done!